
Finally- it is now collectively known, that a major shift and global change is occurring on the planet currently.


And if you have made it to this page, you too- are here to help guide, assist, birth and midwife this transition into fruition in an important way.


Do you feel called to unite with your sisters and people all around the world?


Guide and host gatherings of women virtually or in person into greater empowerment?


Dive deeper into your own codes and access your full potential and purpose?


Assist the shift of the collective and step into your role of leadership?


The heart-intention and divine mission of the Sacred Sisters is to empower, remind, and unite with people of all lands and lineages, and together bring more love, healing and nourishment to the planet.


For years now, the Sacred Sisters have gathered in person and virtually for ceremony, shadow-work, healing, inner-empowerment, ancient teachings, ritual practices, meditation, and honoring of the Divine in its many expressions. Throughout this process we have gathered a divine adaptable formula of support for those who also wish to do the same.

Every single gathering creates a powerful shift that ripples out beyond what is imaginable. It ignites the fire inside the heart of every woman who attends. 

She keeps this Light with her to share eternally along her journey.

Truly, we are changing the world, together.

Are you in resonance with this vision and mission?
Are you Ready!

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Welcome to the Sacred Sister’s Ceremony Facilitation Course. This course is a personal initiation and certification into your role as a leader in your unique realm and niche. The information, resources and tools included in this course grant you the ability to host, begin, sustain, navigate, and close both small and large transformational circles with womxn- from start to finish.



With the course you will learn…

  • How to open, hold and close sacred space and create a safe container

  • Communication tools for women to feel comfortable, express their true selves, open up and be vulnerable 

  • Multiple wise women/goddess rituals, circle songs, and unique tools

  • Explanations and guides into ceremony and practices

  • Hold space for and heal the shadows of sisterhood 

  • Gracefully guide women through emotional triggers to heal and clear them

  • Herbal and Elemental practices and magic

  • How to work with different Gods/Goddesses and Divine Deities 

  • A new discovery of your own gifts

  • Intuition and Inner-wisdom amplification

  • Begin your own business 

  • Enhance your current business with potent tools and techniques


  • Plus so much more!

What You Receive:


$333.00 USD
(Payment Plan Available)

-Full lifetime access to the self-paced Course Guidebook and Videos 

$2,999.00 USD
(Payment Plan Available for Full Price)

-Full access to the self-paced Course Guidebook and Videos ~ receive updates and additions to the Guidebook and new video content

-2 Personal 1:1, 1 hour sisterhood support and virtual mentorship calls with Davana, to ask any and all questions- as general or specific as desired, and share any experiences, to be scheduled within 6 months.

-10% off our next circle, gatherings, or retreat.


We are excited and trust that this information and guide will greatly assist you in many areas of your life, especially if you want to start or enhance your own business in the realms of sisterhood, healing, ceremony, and any form of being a facilitator of women’s circles.


We are so grateful that you have heard and are ready to answer the call~


With Love and Gratitude,

Sacred Sisters

*Please note that we do not offer refunds for any course purchased